Would you like to donate to the Forest Hill Union Cemetery Fund? You can by making a tax deductible contribution to the Forest Hill Union Cemetery Fund of the Piqua Community Foundation.
Please make your check out to the Piqua Community Foundation and in the memo area put Forest Hill Cemetery Fund.
This fund has been set up to help ensure that the cemetery will be well maintained for many generations to come. The fund will help provide funding for the maintaining and planting of flower gardens, trees, water gardens, ponds, and other areas that will help bring out the beauty of the cemetery. No money from the fund may be used for day-to-day operations.
To learn more about the fund call the cemetery office or contact the Piqua Community Foundation.
Office Phone 937-773-2614
Piqua Community Fund 937-615-9080
Please make your check out to the Piqua Community Foundation and in the memo area put Forest Hill Cemetery Fund.
This fund has been set up to help ensure that the cemetery will be well maintained for many generations to come. The fund will help provide funding for the maintaining and planting of flower gardens, trees, water gardens, ponds, and other areas that will help bring out the beauty of the cemetery. No money from the fund may be used for day-to-day operations.
To learn more about the fund call the cemetery office or contact the Piqua Community Foundation.
Office Phone 937-773-2614
Piqua Community Fund 937-615-9080
click on logo to go to the foundation's web site